Dr. Mary O'Riordan, D.V.M. 1925 - 1993
Pioneering Veterinarian
Plaque located at: 160 Amelia Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Born in Ennis, County Clare, Ireland, “Dr. Mary,” as she was known, is believed to be the first woman veterinarian to practice in that country. She continued her career in London and New York.
In 1963 she moved to Toronto where she worked in an animal clinic. She subsequently opened her own animal hospital and was purported to be the first veterinarian to make house calls.
In 1975 she wrote a picture book entitled Dr. Mary’s Animals, and became known to children, their parents and pets as Dr. Mary.
Her Amelia Street home was open to her many friends and animals alike. Her parties were wonderful gatherings where she served Irish stew to cabinet ministers, authors, actors and members of the medical profession.
She was a founder of Cabbagetown’s Annual Forsythia Festival and a director of the Toronto Press Club.
Hear her talk: